Benefits of Simulator Training for your Driver Training Business

Whilst the benefits for the student are great when they are being trained using an ECA driving simulator, there are also huge benefits for the instructor.

Sim training is able to be done by a non-qualified driving instructor as an add-on to your existing road training business.
Training is able to be scheduled back to back with minimal downtime between lessons.
Limited travel between simulator-trained customers means reduced fuel & maintenance costs on training vehicles.
Extend your training hours after dark,  beneficial for individual trainers during winter months.
Simulator training is authorised under covid precautions as training is able to be done 2m or more apart using a remote mouse & keyboard.
Students are trained to a superior European standard earlier in their training so testing results are significantly improved.
Manual trainees are skilled with clutch use prior to using a vehicle on road, reducing vehicle damage.
Simulators have a high depreciation rate, reducing your tax liability.
Simulator training provides a key point of difference between training providers.
1hr sim training  is equal to 3 hrs on-road training, students are get more training for their money. As most students only want minimal training the outcome is better for their test results and long-term driver safety.
Students are quick to tell their friends & family of their success when passing their licence test, especially if they have not been successful on other occasions.
The sim definitely increases your pass rate. The national average pass rate for the restricted test is approx. 55% (our training organisation has maintained a 95% pass rate over 10 years.
*This is slightly lower where a student has not completed all recommended training with us.
The simulator has an assessment program with a printout of driving errors and many of the training sessions are videoed for discussion & learning from errors.
No matter of location - you can provide  our students with valuable training they otherwise would not necessarily get eg, hills, motorways, rural, big city traffic flows, passing, large roundabouts & traffic lights.
Extra revenue sources available using the simulator eg, Dept of Corrections, Justice, WINZ, Youth facilities, Police, Disability services, Commercial H&S Training, new immigrants (17 languages available).
Simulator training opens opportunities to successfully train older adults, people with high anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and disabilities like autism who have been “unteachable” using traditional road training methods. Often this does not involve significantly more lessons than the average.
Simulator training provides visual, verbal & demonstration opportunities prior to a student attempting the skill. This suits all learning styles of students and reinforces learning.
Individual skills or processes are able to be modified quickly & to a higher standard than on-road only when using the simulator. Students become less frustrated as they only practice what they can’t do rather than going over mastered skills repeatedly.
Significant reduction in stress for trainers as students learn from their mistakes in a 100% safe environment without any serious harm involved.
The current 2010 model simulators are currently still in use with minor updates & repairs now possible. The average age of a simulator is said to be 5 years of consistent training overseas.
Eco-friendly training with reduced CO2 emissions is appealing to the younger generation and is environmentally friendly.
The ECA simulator has a very low rate of motion sickness due to the software set-up. Student motion sickness can be reduced using sea sickness bands and reducing periods of training until tolerance is achieved. See international reviews on the use of VR Headsets in driver training.
As many customers only want a “fine-tune” prior to testing many of these students realize without trainer input (from the simulator results and feedback) that there are more gaps in their knowledge than they thought so happily schedule the rest of the simulator training and road lessons prior to testing.
Find out more about purchasing a Driving Simulator